Fees & Methods of Payment
As a consumer of services, you have options of either utilizing your insurance coverage or paying out of pocket. Some people have concerns about privacy and elect not to use their insurance benefits. If you choose this option, the following are the rates for my services.
Self-Pay Rate
Initial diagnostic assessment session $225/60-minute session
- The first session is used to gather information, better understand your needs, and make treatment recommendations. We will also decide whether we would like to pursue our work together.
Individual psychotherapy session $200/55-minute session
$175/45-minute session
- After we agree to work together, we will discuss treatment goals and the frequency of the sessions. Typically, we will start off with a weekly meeting and reevaluate as we are making progress.
- Please note that a 24-hour notification is required for cancellation. Without sufficient notice, a $150 fee will be charged per each missed appointment. If this is a pattern, it becomes a therapeutic problem to be discussed.
Methods of Payment:
Debit/ credit card (Visa, Master, Discover, and American Express)
Health Savings Account